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10 Free Marketing Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Know About

Granted there always seems to be a catch. For example, the article I'm linking to, suggests using Buffer. Buffer is a social media management tool that will help you streamline your social posting efforts. A free account allows you to use it with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can have a total of ten scheduled posts at any time. If you want more than the basic package you have to start paying for more.

However, it gives you the opportunity to see if you like it or not. If you do, it will work for a little while until you outgrow the basic free account. You have to be careful, of course, for all these little things you can sign up for. Numerous expenses can certainly add up, and if you're not making the profit from your business to cover it, then it's coming out of your pocket.

Derek Miller, who authored this article says, "While executing your core competency is a crucial factor to your business’ success, another important step is effectively marketing your business. Fortunately, there are hundreds of free digital marketing tools that can greatly impact your business. Below are a few of the best, free online marketing tools for entrepreneurs."

To be fair — there are hundreds of free tools, and these ones he says are the best... is his opinion. I agree that most of these are pretty good, although I haven't tried them all. Have a look! See what you think.