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Business Ideas You Can Start With Just a Few Hours a Week

A new article this morning from titled, 'Business Ideas You Can Start With Just a Few Hours a Week' has some good ideas in it. The lead in paragraph says, "Don’t let your 9-to-5 job get in the way of your dreams of starting a business. Whether you want to test the waters of entrepreneurship or carve a path to financial freedom, these business ideas can help get your juices and money flowing. What's more, you only have to devote a few hours a week to make it happen."

The idea, presented in the second slide, is: One man's trash is another man's treasure

A friend of mine works this idea and makes over six figures per year. I was looking at a container full of stuff he had collected to sell, and I said to him, "You mean people actually pay you for this junk?" He's taken the time to get to know some of his best customers, and has an eye for the type of things they would be interested in. He told me the price of what some of the these items would sell for and I was shocked. But it's true. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Have a look through the list of ideas. You might find something. You can read the article here.