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The admin: Steve MacLellan

Something you won't see mentioned in the "About us" menu link, is the fact that I have a rabbit. I know, I know... you're probably thinking I'm a little old for a pet bunny rabbit. It's more typically a pet for children, and not something you would expect a man to have. Let me tell you how this came about.

The second week of October in 2014, I came home to find this rabbit hiding underneath a fir tree in my backyard. Didn't think too much about it. A couple of days later, it was still there. There wasn't any running water around, so I took him out a bowl of water. A couple of days later he was still hanging around. I took him out a carrot and some lettuce. Placed it under my deck. There was about 3' clearance, but at least it would keep the crows away from it — maybe other birds as well.

I advertised him on the radio as a missing pet. Put up classifieds ads for him wherever I could. I even asked school children walking by if they, or any of their friends, were missing a pet rabbit. Nobody wanted him. The local animal shelter wouldn't take him. They were over run by cats.

Time passed. Three weeks into November, and it was getting cold. It rained had one day, and then turned bitterly cold and started to snow. The rabbit's wet fur was starting to freeze to him. His eyes were bulging, and he was shaking. He would freeze to death that night, I was sure.

Ya' so I scooped him up. He was too weak to put up much of a fight. I still hadn't found his owner by January, so I took him to the vet to have a health checkup done, and to get him neutered. He's still with me — we've kinda' got used to each other...

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